It's official!

In past blogs we’ve given you a peek into the nuts and bolts of writing a cookbook of this genre, including the elements and stages a first-time author goes through to get a cookbook published—as well as the uphill climb along the way. We were (and are) continually inspired by the woman at the heart of it all (our mom, Kukla), the involved process of documenting her legacy, and the magical memories she created in our kouzina.
The journey
Once the recipes were finalized it was time to photograph them, design the cookbook, and edit each and every page. Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, not so much! We had a few photo shoots (the fun part), went through multiple stages of the design process (the watching-the-dream-take-shape part), and finally edited/proofed until everything was correct (the boring-and-really-tedious part). It was our good fortune that we had some seriously talented friends—an art director (Nancy Karamarkos), a food photographer (Anastassios Mentis), and a copyeditor (Mark Amundsen)—who graciously offered their time and expertise. Our deepest thanks go out to them for all their hard work on this project.
Timeless and unique, these recipes instruct the average cook precisely how to make extraordinary dishes, bringing new excitement to Greek cuisine. We spent more than fifteen years translating recipes for this series, testing them until they worked perfectly, and editing them so they’re easy to understand and reproduce. Accompanying the recipes are preparation and cooking times, difficulty levels, and time-saving/do-ahead Kouzina Tips to help you plan your day. A chapter on Greek cooking techniques with step-by-step instructions, a glossary for equipment, ingredients, cooking methods, and food terms, as well as a sources guide, give you the tools you need to make your journey to our Greek island table a fun and attainable experience. Now step into our kouzina and learn firsthand about what makes our cuisine so different from that in the other corners of Greece, and what makes it so irresistible.
I hope you enjoy Kukla’s Kouzina: A Gourmet Journey~Greek Island Style, Meze. Buy now on Amazon. I’ll be sharing more of our cookbook’s behind-the-scenes with you in upcoming blogs, so check back to see what’s cooking at Kukla’s. For photos of our foods, visit our GALLERY page.
Sign up for our e-newsletter (if you haven’t already) and stay connected on social media for cooking tips and recipes, as well as for all Kukla's Kouzina updates and news.
Thanks for following us and we’ll see you next Monday!
Kali orexi! Καλή όρεξη! Good appetite!
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