It’s a supercalifragilisticexpiali-yummy blog!

Christos Anesti! Χριστός ἀνέστη! Christ is Risen!
Are you full yet??? No? …well you will be because it's Bright Week and that means it's a fast-free week. It’s the week right after Holy Week and Pascha, and that also means that Lent is over—so we're putting out the bacon, the filet mignon, the hamburgers, and the pizza. That’s right, we're eating all of the foods we couldn’t have during Lent.

It’s no coincidence that our spiritual life and foods are somehow intertwined. Our spiritual life lends itself to a proper diet, sometimes through fasting and discipline. Once we have celebrated the Resurrection, it’s time to be merry and, yes, eat.

We hope you enjoyed Bright Week Kouzina. The recipes for the foods we talked about here will be featured in our upcoming cookbook. Stay tuned for more uniquely Greek and Karpathian food ideas that you can add to your kouzina pantry.
Sign up for our e-newsletter (if you haven’t already) and stay connected on social media for cooking tips and recipes, as well as for all Kukla's Kouzina updates and news.
Thanks for following us and we’ll see you next Monday for a special Happy Birthday to Kukla’s Kouzina! We’re turning 6, so join us for a celebratory blog dedicated to you, our loyal followers, who have helped make us a success!
Until then~
Kali orexi! Good appetite!
Kelly, Joanne & Jackie (the girls in Kukla’s Kouzina)
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (Pascha)
Greek Orthodox dictionary (Paschal Week~Bright Week)
Web design by Kelly Salonica Staikopoulos