The Naked Truth About…Greek Cooking!

Our Kukla made it a practice to clean as you go. This keeps your workspace (and your mind) tidy. Start by making sure your sink and dishwasher have been emptied so you’ll have room for your dirty bowls, pans, etc. Better yet, draft one (or more) of your kids to be your sous chef (deputy chef). Get them a chef’s hat or a special apron with their name on it so they feel they’re an important part of your kitchen team. Let them help you measure out ingredients and ask them to clean up behind you (a.k.a. wash dishes or fill the dishwasher). Spills happen so have a sponge or paper towels handy to wipe them up right away. Keeping it clean will help you to remain organized, work faster, and stay focused.

Our recipes will list prep and cook/bake times, along with the degree of difficulty (from easy to challenging). Use common sense. If you know you’re slower or more meticulous in the kitchen (which is totally okay!), give yourself some extra time. Don’t make something involved like pastries or bread on a day you have concert tickets.

Make cooking special by bringing your family to the preparation table as well as the dining table…you’ll reap the delicious rewards when you sit down to eat. The family that cooks Greek together says “OPA!” together…but use the dishes for serving, not for breaking (they do it in the movies but we don’t really do that at home)!
We’ll see you next Monday!
Until then~
Kali orexi! Good appetite!
Web design by Kelly Salonica Staikopoulos